วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Owning a classic car

Hello again,

After being away for quite a long time since the initial page, here I am again updating information about my 944. I 've not been using it regulary, even though I love to drive it everyday. Due to heavy traffic and limited chance of open road reving...

Owning a classic car requires lot of basic elements ( from my point of view ) one is " time", you must drive it regulary or as much as possible; otherwise, some irritating problems may come to you. Problem likes running out of battery voltage to ignite the engine, as mine. I discovered it myself, in my case I replaced the new battery and drove the car once within 2 weeks period sometime longer than that. The voltage was getting low as time went by and when it reached certain period , the problem showed " I could not get it ignited ..." . My solution was to get a set of battery recharge and charge the battery when the car not in use. Secondly, a trusted mechanic who will take care of your car. I am lucky to find one, and luckier that he also own a 944 as well. His garage also serves other super cars like Ferrari, Lotus, Aston Martin and so on..

In my case, nothing being done to the car 's exterior only some minor problems found during the time. One with the clutch cynlender and the other was engine hickup by gasohol 95 ( was told by mechanic) All problems were fixed, and the car runs great. So here are some more pics.. enjoy
